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Join us for an enlightening conversation with artist extraordinaire, Dianna Woolley. Dianna takes us on her fascinating journey, where she transitioned from a high-powered executive role at the Estee Lauder Corporation in Manhattan to finding her true calling as an artist in the vibrant cities of Hong Kong and New York. Discover how she transformed her life and career through the power of art – a tale of inspiration and resilience that will leave you invigorated.

Listen in as we embrace the emotions sparked by original, unique art pieces and their importance in our personal legacy. We share our experiences and discuss the profound impact of having such a piece in our homes. We also highlight Dianna’s philanthropic work, and how her art has supported causes in Maui. Also, get to know how young, budding artists can benefit from financial support and why it is a cause dear to our hearts.

Finally, as Dianna shares her astounding journey of achieving success and making a positive impact through her art, we delve into the world of goal-setting and risk-taking. Hear her inspiring words, reminding us not to be afraid of pursuing our dreams, despite their magnitude. This episode is a captivating blend of art, inspiration, and success; a must-listen for art enthusiasts, aspiring artists, or anyone in need of a motivational boost.

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