#56: Tax Tips and Financial Strategies with Maya Weinreb

In today’s episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Maya Weinreb, an expert in the finance and bookkeeping industry. Maya shares valuable insights and tips on navigating the complexities of taxes, bookkeeping, and business success. From understanding the Augusta rule to achieving financial peace of mind, Maya covers it all. Join us as we dive into the world of accounting, goal-setting, and building a thriving business.
In our conversation, Laura delves into the importance of market research and the role of human input in the data collection process. She shares how AI was used to analyze and validate the collected data, while still ensuring human verification. This strategic approach led to the establishment of trust and alignment between user requests and the platform’s offerings, ultimately creating a successful environment.

#55: Building Success Using AI-Driven Market Research with Laura Morlando

Laura Morlando is a true visionary in the world of AI-driven businesses and networking. With her extensive experience in market research and AI analysis, she has successfully built a platform that combines the power of technology with human connection.

In our conversation, Laura delves into the importance of market research and the role of human input in the data collection process. She shares how AI was used to analyze and validate the collected data, while still ensuring human verification. This strategic approach led to the establishment of trust and alignment between user requests and the platform’s offerings, ultimately creating a successful environment.

#54: Scaling Your Coaching Business with Leah Rae Getts

In this episode of the Seven Figure Builder podcast, we sit down with Leah Rae Getts, co-founder of Digital Trailblazer. Leah shares her journey from being a registered nurse to becoming a successful internet marketer, helping coaches and course creators create, launch, sell, and scale their programs. She discusses the common pitfalls of course creation and offers valuable insights on how to overcome them, including the importance of messaging, systems, and traffic. Leah also highlights the power of paid traffic, specifically through platforms like Facebook and Instagram, to quickly and effectively reach your target audience. Tune in to this episode for actionable strategies and advice from Leah on how to achieve success in the digital marketing world.

#53: Achieve Your Dream Life Through Tax Planning with Kimberly Tara

In today’s episode, we have the incredible Kimberly Tara joining us. Kimberly is not only a wife and mother of four children but also an expert in working with CEO Mom Service Providers. She is passionate about helping female service providers who are also juggling the responsibilities of motherhood. Kimberly is on a mission to empower these ambitious women to build wealth and achieve their dream lives through proactive tax planning. During our conversation, Kimberly delves into the challenges faced by CEO Mom Service Providers and the lack of adequate support from CPAs who may not fully understand their unique needs.

#52: Don’t Let Burnout Be Your New Normal with Ahuva Hershkop

As working moms, we’re experts at juggling the needs of everyone around us. But all too often, the one person we forget to take care of is ourselves. In this episode, Ahuva Hershkop shares her keys to move from just surviving to living with intention. Because let’s be honest, being a successful business owner and an awesome mom is hard enough without also dealing with burnout. Tune in now and reclaim your sanity!

#51: Thriving in a Competitive Job Market with Steven Rothberg

In this episode, we sit down with an industry expert, Steven Rothberg, to discuss everything you need to know about job searching, hiring, and navigating the competitive labor market. Steven delves deep into the world of job boards, revealing the challenges faced by both candidates and employers. Did you know that some job boards have ineffective search functions, making it difficult for candidates to find their dream job? Steven shares insider tips on how to make the most of your job search, from running targeted searches to putting yourself in the shoes of the recruiter to understand what they’re looking for.

#50: Interior Design Empire with Liz Toombs

Join us on a rollercoaster ride as Liz shares the ups and downs of building her empire. From surviving Covid to navigating the challenges of supply chain shortages, Liz proves that resilience and determination are key ingredients for success. Despite the obstacles, Liz has emerged as the go-to designer for Greek Sorority Houses across the country. Get ready to dive into the exciting world of interior design and entrepreneurship with Liz. Don’t miss out!

#49: Kajabi Genius with Gail Starr

Get ready to be inspired by a story of triumph over adversity! Join us as we follow Gail Starr’s journey to becoming a Kajabi expert even amidst the challenges of Covid. Her success has opened up new doors of opportunity, and she’s even unlocked the power of automation along the way. The best part? You don’t need to have tech skills to understand it – as long as you’re eager to learn something new. Don’t miss out on this episode – it’s a must-listen for anyone who wants to elevate their career.

#48: The Champagne Room with Melissa Ricker

Get ready for a powerful story that will inspire you to take charge of your life! Meet Melissa Ricker, a former nuclear engineer who left her job to start her own business. For two years, she barely made enough money to get by. But then something clicked. Melissa discovered the formula to success, and within seven months, she had scaled her business to seven figures! Thanks to her determination and hard work, Melissa now has a thriving company that has changed her life for the better. Tune in to hear how Melissa turned her struggles into triumphs, and get motivated to keep pushing toward your own goals!

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