Headline Generator Secrets Revealed! Create Compelling Headlines That Capture The Attention and Emotion of Your Ideal Clients

The Struggle Is Real
One of my biggest struggles in my marketing has been coming up with a headline that gets people’s attention. I dreamed of a headline generator that would magically make things easier, but never really though it existed. Simply put, you can invest your heart and soul into your post, article, ad, or page – but if the headline sucks, I guarantee no one will read it.
Think of it this way. If you were scanning a news feed, and all the headlines were hidden, which article would you read first? For me? None of them. The tiny print of the beginning of the articles would lose my attention as my eyes scan before I found something interesting to read.
So how do you create a headline that hooks your attention?
And how do you know if it’s really a good headline or not?
I’ve got 2 secrets for you today that will tell you just that. For me personally, these two secrets I’m going to share with you transformed my writing process from “ughhh I hate this” to a very satisfying game of coming up with the best headline possible! Yes, I actually enjoy the process now… crazy, I know!
Secret #1: The Amazing Headline Generator
This is a killer tool that will help you brainstorm headlines and then create over 40 variations for you to try. Go to the Amazing Headline Generator, fill in your offer information, generate headlines & voila! This tool helped me tremendously to dig deeper than just the first generic headlines the come to mind.
Secret #2: ShareThrough Headline
Ok, here’s where it becomes a game. Now that you have a series of 40+ headlines, take the ones you like and copy and paste each one into the ShareThrough Headline tester. It will give you a score of how sharable the headline is and how to improve it. I aim for at least 80 in my scores and try for 90+.
This process has helped train my brain to create better and better headlines for everything I create. I literally use these tools daily – I love them! So, definitely give these tools a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
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