5 Day Social Media Breakthrough Workshop Payment Plan



Product Description

DAY 1: Stop Wasting Time With The Wrong Avatar ($297 Value)

We’ll begin with identifying your ultimate ideal client – which is the most important of all steps. If you don’t clearly know who you are talking to, you are effectively talking to no one. From there, you’ll discover how to become irreplaceable to your clients – ultimately helping them achieve their goals. You’ll also learn how you take routine tasks off of your plate to free up your time for more important tasks that require your focus.

DAY 2: Get Laser Focused With Your Content Keywords ($297 Value)

Discover how your keywords can make or break your business and how to find the most impactful keywords for your blog posts, YouTube videos, social media posts, web pages, podcasts, news articles, and more. You will learn which social media account should be your #1 priority for your specific business model to reach your ideal clients. Also, uncover the #1 mistake you don’t want to make or it could cost you valuable rankings on Google!

DAY 3: Discover The Content Strategy Map That Will Give You Ultimate Clarity ($297 Value)

Learn how to turn your disjointed content into an eye-opening organized content strategy map that will eliminate writer’s block and help you target the topics your ideal clients actually care about. You’ll discover how to research the top searched keywords with the least competition in your niche so you can be on the first page of Google. Then you’ll uncover how to spy on your competitors to see what keywords they are using to get their rankings, both to generate ideas and see if you should compete for those keywords or not.

DAY 4: Discover Your Hidden Learning & Content Strengths To Unleash Your Creativity and Make Content Creation Feel Natural ($297 Value)

Discover your specific learning type, style, and content strength to feel comfortable in your own voice as you’re creating your content. Then you’ll learn how to strategically repurpose and structure your content. You’ll also get easy-to-use design templates to make your posting a breeze!

DAY 5: Know Exactly What Your Ideal Clients Want Today and Be Able To Prove What Is Working ($297 Value)

Take advantage of the data at your fingertips to be able to stop guessing at what is working or not. Learn how to be comfortable with market research so it does not feel awkward or scary anymore. Armed with this newfound knowledge, you’ll be able to transform your business into a highly profitable money-making machine!


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