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Profit Calculator For Consultants
How much do I want to make per year before taxes?
How many holidays do I want each year?
How many sick days do I want each year?
How many days do I spend on non-client work?
(Marketing, Admin, Billing, etc.)
How many hours do I spend per project?
My billable working days per year
I want to include my:
Annual Operating Costs
My Annual Operating Costs
Advertising and Marketing
Equipment, Hardware, and Software
Training and Education
Memberships and Associations
(business, car, etc)
Healthcare and Dental
Office Expenses
(phone, internet, electricity)
(office or percentage of home/office)
Professional Fees
(accountant, lawyer, etc.)
How much should I charge?
My Annual Operating Costs
My Daily Overhead
My Hourly Rate
Rate To Bill My Clients
My Rate Per Project
Number of Projects Per Year
Profit Per Month
Profit Per Week
Profit Per Day
has been added to the cart.
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